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Accordion Image Menu

by Alain Gonzalez

This is a menu that uses the images attached to the posts/pages galleries as items background. You can insert the menu wherever you want: into the content, in your theme files and as a widgets. Visit the plugin page for demos and details.
Special Features:
Allows to combine pages and categories and apply order to them
Its integrated with the wordpress > 3.0 menus interface
The plugin uses the post feature image or the medium size image attached to post and pages
The menu uses the top image from the posts/pages gallery
You can use it to list recent posts
Multiple transition effects included (Elastic, Bounce, Sine, Pow, Quart, Back, Circ)
You can include ‘the title’ of the target pages
Allows to include multiple menus on your blog
The menu can be based on posts/pages ids
Compatible with: Chrome, Safari, Firefox and IE 7, 8, 9

All texts and images on this product page are protected by copyright and are the property of the author Alain Gonzalez. You will be redirected to the retailer to download the plugin. We act solely as a search engine for plugins and are not affiliated with the retailer or Alain Gonzalez.


Free Plugin

Last Update
13 years ago
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