Extends the standard WooCommerce COD feature by including advanced restriction options and extra fees.
The Advance Cash on Delivery with Fee is a powerful WooCommerce extension that extends the standard COD feature by adding an extra fee and restrictions based on multiple conditions. For example, conditions could include user roles, location, product, cart amounts, shipping zones, classes, and more.
This extension will help you remain sure of COD secure transactions by assisting in excluding risky elements such as areas, order amount, products, locations, and customers. You can filter out any other factor that might have an impact. Carrying out a COD transaction could cost you extra at times. Enabling an additional surcharge for providing COD services can help you overcome any extra costs incurred during the process.
Features of Cash on Delivery Fee:
While creating a new extra fee, you can create multiple fee rules and add a fee in fixed or percentage amount based on the following conditions
- Add fee based on:
- Customers
- User roles
- Cart amount (ranges)
- Products and categories
- Shipping classes
- Shipping zones
- Countries
- States
- Cities
- Zip codes (specific codes or ranges)
- Enable taxes on fee
Features of Cash on Delivery Restrictions:
With this WooCommerce Cash on Delivery extension, you can show or hide COD based on various conditions. Here is a list of the factors you can enable or disable COD based on,
- Customers and user roles
- Guest users
- Cart range (total and subtotal)
- Products and categories
- Shipping classes
- Shipping zones
- Countries
- States
- Cities
- Zip codes (specific codes or ranges)
Details of WooCommerce Cash on Delivery Fee
WooCommerce Cash on Delivery extension comes with a powerful extra fee feature that enables you to create multiple rules to add different fees based on different conditions. You can add multiple rules to add different fees in fixed or percentage amounts,
Here is the screenshot of the fee rule, here you can identify when the fee should be applied. You can specify the fee amount in a fixed or percentage amount of total cart amount.
Details of WooCommerce Cash on Delivery Restrictions:
Once the extension is installed, you will notice a new item “Advance COD” under the WooCommerce menu. You can add restrictions based on four conditions,
1) Customers and roles based restrictions:
The customer and role-based restriction option enables you to show or hide COD based on specific customers, user roles, and guests.
2) Cart-based restrictions:
Using the cart restrictions, you can show or hide COD based on cart amounts, products, and categories in cart and product shipping classes.
3) Location-based restrictions:
Using the location-based restrictions, you can enable/disable COD based on the customer location such as shipping zones, countries, states, cities, and zip codes. You can add a comma separate zip codes list and the ranges as well.
Error Messages for COD Restrictions:
If the unavailability of the COD option is defined for a particular reason, the store admin can customize and display a message passing the information of why COD was denied. For instance, the store admin can customize notices for any of the following reasons.
- All Types of Restrictions
- Restricted by User/Role
- Restricted by Cart Amount
- Restricted by Products and Product Categories
- Restricted by Shipping Class
- Restricted by Shipping Zone
- Restricted by Country
- Restricted by State
- Restricted by City
- Restricted by Zip Code