This is a plugin that brings up a little preview of a site into the widget-less sidebar. If you want to use this in a widget-enabled theme, give blogintroduction-wordpress-widget a chance. The link is chosen by random out of the links in the WordPress link-manager. You can specify a single link-category or use all categories for the random-link-base.
You can also decide to show invisible/private links. This is for the case you want to show links as a preview you don’t want to show in the linkroll.
If you want and if there is a description for the link done in the link-description-field it would be shown.
A refreshing via AJAX could be enabled with a specific time (in seconds) when the next thumbnail would be loaded.
This plugin uses the websnapr-Service for generating the thumbnail-images. Keep their term of use in mind. You should get an API-Key for free from there to use this widget and get more then 80 snapshots per hour, with key it would be about 340 per hour (250.000 a month).
Since Version 0.3.0 you could also use the image-link stored in the link-manager for containing the link to the preview-image. If no link is given the widget would use websnapr as fall back.
If you want to leave a feedback, feel free to do this on the plugin’s homepage of the author’s blog. Though the pages are in german, comments in english are wellcome, too.