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Favicon Generator

by Brandon Dove, Jeffrey Zinn

This plugin will allow you to upload an image in the format of a jpeg, gif or png and will convert the image into a favicon formatted file. This file will be placed in your WordPress root directory and a link tag will then be added to your html output.
Version History
Version 1.1
Added PHP 4 Compatibility
Updated the ImageIco library from http://www.jpexs.com/php.html
Cannot delete active favicon
Added highlight to active favicon
Version 1.2
Forgot to add the new ImageIco library via SVN. This version has it. Sorry about the mixup.
Version 1.3
AAAARGH! Include error was happening because I forgot about case sensitivity in Linux filesystems. Sorry, I’m on a mac.
Version 1.4
Supressed errors that appeared if the upload directory wasn’t created. Added in creation of the upload directory to the init routines.
Version 1.5
Added support for ads from pluginsponsors.com to be placed on the admin page. A guy’s gotta earn a living, right?
Tested functionality against WordPress version 2.9.2
Increased the minimum WordPress version to 2.8 because, come on…who’s still running WordPress 2.1?
Added checks to make sure certain necessary directories and permissions were set properly.
Suppressed ugly warnings that were displayed when the upload directories weren’t set properly.
Added support for l10n.

All texts and images on this product page are protected by copyright and are the property of the author Brandon Dove, Jeffrey Zinn. You will be redirected to the retailer to download the plugin. We act solely as a search engine for plugins and are not affiliated with the retailer or Brandon Dove, Jeffrey Zinn.


Free Plugin

Last Update
12 years ago
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