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Flying Pages

by WP Speed Matters

Flying Pages preload pages before the user click on it, making them load instantly
How it Works?
Flying Pages injects a tiny JavaScript code (1KB gzipped), waits until the browser becomes idle. Then it detects pages in the viewport and on mouse hover and preloads them.
Flying Pages is intelligent to make sure preloading doesn’t crash your server or make it slow.
Preload pages in the viewport – Detect links within the viewport (current viewing area) using ‘Intersection Observer’ and tells the browser to preload them using ‘prefetch’, switch to xhr if not available (similar to Quicklink).
Preload pages on mouse hover – On hovering links, if it’s not preloaded yet using above ‘viewport’, then Flying Pages will prefetch them instantly (similar to Instant.page).
Limits the number of preloads per second – If your page has too many links, prefetching all at the same time will cause the server to crash or slow down the website to visitors. Flying Pages limits the number of preloads per second (3 req/sec by default) using an in-built queue. For example, if you’ve 10 links in the viewport, preloading all these are span into 4 seconds.
Stops preloading if the server is busy – In case the server starts to respond slowly or return errors, preloading will be stopped to reduce the server load.
Understands user’s connection and preferences – Checks if the user is on a slow connection like 2G or has enabled data-saver. Flying Pages won’t preload anything in this case.
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