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Master Currency WP
Master Currency WP

by Wibergs Web

Master Currency WP makes it very easy to create currency converter forms, list and single conversions with shortcodes. No programming skills are required to create these forms, lists and single
conversions. Focus has been that the user easily could add just any conversion of currencie(s) to his/her page without entering a single line of code, but at the same time offer real
good flexibility with a very well thought html-structure so any developer could easily apply his/her layout. The plugin is of course created with an objectoriented approach
so it’s fairly easy to extend functionality. If you do miss some functionality, please tell in the support forum!
If you like the plugin, please consider donating.
Example of usage
shortcodes in post(s)/page(s)
[mcwp_currencyconverterform amount_title=”Enter amount” from_title=”From currency” to_title=”To currency” result_title=”Conversion result” calculatebutton_title=”Calcutate now!” show_currencydescription=”no”]
[mcwp_currencylist amount=”1″ currencies=”EUR-USD,USD-EUR”]
(See result in screenshot from above shortcodes)
Other examples of usage
Converter form(s)
[mcwp_currencyconverterform html_id=”whatever” amount_title=”Amount” from_title=”From currency” to_title=”To currency” calculatebutton_title=”Calculate currency” result_title=”Result” currencies=”SEK,EUR,GBP,USD” default_fromcurrency=”EUR” default_tocurrency=”GBP” use_ajax=”yes”]
[mcwp_currencyconverterform default_fromcurrency=”gbp” default_tocurrency=”sek” use_ajax=”yes”]
[mcwp_currencyconverterform currencies=”SEK,EUR,GBP,USD” default_fromcurrency=”gbp” default_tocurrency=”sek” use_ajax=”yes” show_currencydescription=”only” result_decimals=”0″]
[mcwp_currencyconverterform currencies=”SEK,EUR,GBP,USD” default_fromcurrency=”gbp” default_tocurrency=”sek” use_ajax=”yes” show_currencydescription=”only” result_decimals=”2″ result_sanitize=”no”]
[mcwp_currencyconverterform currencies=”SEK,EUR,GBP,USD” default_fromcurrency=”SEK” default_tocurrency=”USD” use_ajax=”no” show_currencydescription=”no”]
Currency list(s)
[mcwp_currencylist html_id=”givemeabreak” amount=”10″ currencies=”EUR-USD,USD-EUR,SEk-CAD” result_decimals=”2″ separator=”
[mcwp_currencylist amount=”10″ currencies=”EUR-USD,USD-EUR,SEk-CAD” result_decimals=”2″ separator=”, “]
[mcwp_currencylist amount=”10″ currencies=”EUR-USD,USD-EUR,SEk-CAD” result_decimals=”2″ separator=”
” order_by=”first_currency”]
[mcwp_currencylist amount=”10″ currencies=”EUR-USD,USD-EUR,SEk-CAD” result_decimals=”0″ separator=”
” order_by=”second_currency”]
[mcwp_currencylist amount=”10″ currencies=”EUR-USD,USD-EUR,SEk-CAD” result_decimals=”0″ separator=”
” order_by=”result”]
Single conversion(s)
[mcwp_currencyconvert amount=”300″ from=”EUR” to=”GBP” display_amount=”yes” display_type=”1″]
[mcwp_currencyconvert html_id=”eurtogp” amount=”300″ from=”EUR” to=”GBP” display_amount=”yes” display_type=”2″]
[mcwp_currencyconvert amount=”300″ from=”EUR” to=”GBP” display_amount=”no” result_decimals=”0″]
You can find demos at: http://wibergsweb.se/plugins/mastercurrencywp
Example css
.mcwp-convert-ecb {display:block;}
.mcwp-convertequal {padding:0 4px;}
.mcwp-result .mcwp-title {font-weight:bold;}
.mcwp-result .mcwp-tocurrency {color:#5e92c4;font-weight:bold;}
.mcwp-selectamount input, .mcwp-selectfromto select {display:block;padding:7px;}
.mcwp-selectamount input {width:196px;}
.mcwp-selectfromto {padding:1em 0;color:#5e92c4;}
.mcwp-submit {padding:7px;width:212px;}
.mcwp-submit:hover {cursor:pointer;background:#eeeeee;}

All texts and images on this product page are protected by copyright and are the property of the author Wibergs Web. You will be redirected to the retailer to download the plugin. We act solely as a search engine for plugins and are not affiliated with the retailer or Wibergs Web.


Free Plugin

Last Update
3 years ago
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