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Message Flow
Message Flow

by Joe Anzalone, blubrry, amandato

Message Flow provides you with a shortcode you can use on your posts and pages to display your posts in a JavaScript widget powered by ContentFlow.
It even supports podcast integration with PowerPress and external podcast feeds.
Show the ten latest posts:
Show the ten latest podcast episodes:
[message_flow podcasts_only=”true”]
Show the five latest posts from category number 11:
[message_flow numberposts=”5″ category=”11″]
Show the three latest posts from an external feed:
[message_flow numberposts=”3″ feed=”http://example.com/feed.rss”]
Disable excerpts:
[message_flow show_excerpt=”false”]
Default parameters:
[message_flow numberposts=”10″ category=”” podcasts_only=”FALSE” download_link_rel=”” permalink_link_rel=”” show_excerpt=”TRUE” excerpt_length=”10″ readmore_text=”Continue reading…” order=”DESC”]
Defining the thumbnails (Album Art)
The thumbnails used in the widget are taken from the posts’ featured images. In the event that a podcast does not have a featured image available, Message Flow will check the following locations for a suitable fallback image:
A URL to the fallback image in the shortcode:
[message_flow fallback_image=”http://example.com/default_image.png”]
If you’re using the PowerPress podcasting plugin, the default image will be taken from the iTunes image. PowerPress users can configure this in the “iTunes Feed Settings” section of PowerPress’ configuration. (/wp-admin/admin.php?page=powerpress/powerpressadmin_basic.php)
In your theme’s directory. Just make sure it’s 165 pixels square and named “unknown-album_165.png”

All texts and images on this product page are protected by copyright and are the property of the author Joe Anzalone, blubrry, amandato. You will be redirected to the retailer to download the plugin. We act solely as a search engine for plugins and are not affiliated with the retailer or Joe Anzalone, blubrry, amandato.


Free Plugin

Last Update
8 years ago
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