ShopCred is here to add extra bandwidth to the Gutenberg editor for your WooCommerce online shop with a set of handy and powerful blocks.
Showcase your products with unique designs of Product Grid, Product Carousel, Ajax Load More, Pagination, Style Presets, Content Arrangement, and many more.
Sitting in the class of best Gutenberg Shop plugins, ShopCred controls your ability to design websites the way you like. It extends flexibility, adds functionality, and provides excellent options to the large WordPress community.
ShopCred brings Woo Products Gutenberg Block with exclusive features and easily customizable options.
Get access to make an ideal Web Store and distinguish yourself by making it stand out.
With all their previous experiences, the DevsCred team has seamlessly translated their experience from Exclusive Addons to craft well-optimized and lightweight plugins like ShopCred, ShopCred WooBuilder for WooCommerce as well as ShopCred Filter.
Therefore, you won’t have trouble maintaining the site speed up to the mark.
Pick your preferred WordPress blocks from ShopCred to speed up the website-building process with simple settings and changes for a natural visual style.
Display your product grid with an advanced slider effect, Listing Products on your shop in several ways.
ShopCred is packed with a bunch of essential functionalities and customization features that make Gutenberg more user-friendly for the mass.
The ShopCred support team is always beside you to save you from any trouble you face.
Find Everything In One Place
Increase Interaction With Better Presentation
Engage Customers and Increase Sales
Build Your Site in A Few Clicks
Jumble Through The Bundle of Presets
Reduce Server Traffic and Increase Speed
Split Your Contents For A Better Experience
Promote Your Products With Better Engagement
Complete Solution to Sales Drop
The out-of-the-box solution to display your products
Manage Your Customer Reviews and Generate More Sales
Incredibly Easy Customization: Now showcase your products as you want in your shop. You can customize every product and present it on your way.
This will give you satisfaction in building your site entirely free. Each element comes with unique functionality that offers complete control to you.
Expert Support Team: We have an exceptional support team ready to assist you. Ask your question on live chat and get your solution right here.
We are always here day and night to save you from trouble. Take your help and keep growing.
WooCommerce Product Grid for Gutenberg.
WooCommerce Product List for Gutenberg.
WooCommerce Product Slider/Carousel for Gutenberg.
Product Category Grid/List for WooCommerce.
Various Design Variations for Product Blocks.
WooCommerce Product Pagination.
Shop Page Pagination for WooCommerce.
WooCommerce Ajax Pagination.
WooCommerce Load More.
WooCommerce Product Filter by Category.
WooCommerce Quickview.
Product Grid – This shows an ideal way of presenting your products and will open the pathway to grabbing potential customers.
This will enhance the user’s visibility, who can view all products at a glance.
Product Slider/Carousel – Grab users’ attention with a motion view, follow the trend, and increase the conversion rate.
Implement a product carousel, highlight your best-selling product slidingly, and boost your sale.
Integrate Product List – Increase customer engagement by 90% and showcase your products on a table.
This helps to analyze product pages and improve the quality of internal linking. This allows you to find products and quickly select your choice.
Style Preset – Attractively displaying your products is a significant point to attract customers.
Style presets are very helpful in showcasing your products in a presentable manner.
Making a better UI and drawing at the first look style will attract customers repeatedly.
Ajax Load More – Don’t make your users feel monotonous; instead, engage them in the website to stick to your site.
Integrate Ajax load more and improve the performance and usability of your site.
This will increase the site speed and stick visitors to experience smooth browsing without reloading the page.
Pagination – Attractively organizing your content will lead you to increase your conversion rate.
The pagination feature will help you split up your products evenly throughout the site.
Therefore users can easily find the product and will not get lost by infinite scrolling. So well-curated content will help to hold recurring customers and boost your business.
Featured Products – Every business has iconic products that help open up your brand opportunity and attract customers.
Featured products are displayed in the font to attract customers and raise conversion rates.
It’s a great marketing strategy to increase your bottom-line sales and clear out the old stock.
Stock Availability – Wondering how many products are there in stock? We have an excellent solution for you, and our stock availability feature will help you reduce the sales drop.
Stock availability creates confidence in users’ minds to consume as they can see how many products are in stock. This brings faith to users’ minds and increases recurring customers.
Ajax Quick View – A great solution to reduce the bounce rate. This makes the customer’s task more accessible to purchase by viewing the product.
This eventually increases sales and generates revenue. Ajax quick view gives the best shopping experience by selecting items from the product list and redirecting them to the cart.
Display Review/Rating – Consumers are considered the core of business and trust comes from word of mouth.
Visitors of online stores trust others’ reviews and are driven towards purchasing the product. This benefits the company through a simple way of marketing, only by gaining trust.
Therefore customers review play a vital role in driving sales upward.
Now set up your online shop and showcase your products exclusively. The Woo Product block came with extraordinary features.
This allows you to design and present your products on your way to upgrade your sales.
We have introduced unique features to you with an exceptional UI and UX that makes building and using the site more accessible.
The Product Grid gives you exclusive features to set up your shop the way you want.
We acknowledge the significance of a high-quality product supported by dedicated customer service.
We are here to answer any of your questions and assist you in making the best use of our plugin.
Single Product Page – Displays specific product information to the visitors so that they can easily buy your products.
Single Product Page Templates include Product Title, Image, Navigation, Related Product, Tab, Stock, Add to Cart, Short Description, Rating, Meta, Breadcrumbs, and Price.
Custom Cart Page – We have got your cart covered. Customize the cart and convert it to the next level. Gutenberg Plugin Magic: Craft your dream Custom Cart Page in minutes! No coding, just drag-and-drop.
List your products for the cart page. Furthermore, effortlessly add products to the cart page.
Custom Shop Page – Our Custom Shop Page feature lets you design an unforgettable shopping experience through Style preset, Ajax load more, and Ajax quick view.
You can design the shopping page according to your preferences. Let your ideas do the magic.
Custom Checkout Page – Transform your checkout process with our Custom Checkout Page, created to provide a seamless and enjoyable consumer experience.
Customize every aspect, from the payment button to the order review, shipping, and invoicing forms, and even give coupons effortlessly.
Custom My Account Page – Your unique hub for easy account management. Customizing My account page has never been easier thanks to our user-friendly login form.
Use streamlined navigation to track the My Account Page seamlessly, allowing you to easily access order history, update personal information, and set preferences.
Custom Thank You Page – Upgrade your post-purchase experience with our Custom Thank You Page, the ideal solution to boring checkouts! Say goodbye to generic confirmation pages and hello to a personalized experience.
Your consumers will appreciate the order summary, complete order breakdown, and easy access to address information, all in one place.
Product Title (Gutenberg Block)
Product Image (Gutenberg Block)
Product Navigation (Gutenberg Block)
Related Products (Gutenberg Block)
Product Tab (Gutenberg Block)
Product Stock (Gutenberg Block)
Product Add to Cart (Gutenberg Block)
Product Short Description (Gutenberg Block)
Product Rating (Gutenberg Block)
Product Meta (Gutenberg Block)
Product Breadcrumbs (Gutenberg Block)
Product Price (Gutenberg Block)
Cart Table (Gutenberg Block)
Cart Total (Gutenberg Block)
Checkout Login Form (Gutenberg Block)
Checkout Order Review (Gutenberg Block)
Checkout Payment (Gutenberg Block)
Checkout Shipping Form (Gutenberg Block)
Checkout Coupon (Gutenberg Block)
Checkout Additional Form (Gutenberg Block)
My Account (Gutenberg Block)
My Account Login Form (Gutenberg Block)
Thank You Order (Gutenberg Block)
Thank You Address Details (Gutenberg Block)
Thank You Order Details (Gutenberg Block)
Privacy Policy
ShopCred uses Appsero SDK to collect some telemetry data upon user’s confirmation. This helps us to troubleshoot problems faster & make product improvements.
Appsero SDK does not gather any data by default. The SDK only starts gathering basic telemetry data when a user allows it via the admin notice. We collect the data to ensure a great user experience for all our users.
Integrating Appsero SDK DOES NOT IMMEDIATELY start gathering data, without confirmation from users in any case.
Learn more about how Appsero collects and uses this data.
English – default, always included
Note:* All our plugins are localized/ translateable by default.