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by Daniel Bachhuber, Varun Agrawal, Alex Mills, Andrew Spittle

SupportFlow is a web based help desk software. SupportFlow is a web based help desk software. It allows teams to manage support tickets using a web interface.
A few of its features are:
Allow agents to create/reply tickets using web interface.
Customers can create ticket by sending an E-Mail or filling a web based form.
Agents can opt to get E-Mail notifications of replies of tickets.
Administrator can limit agents access to particular tags.
Administrators can see daily/weekly/monthly ticket statistics.
Agents can view tickets assigned to them in admin dashboard.
Agents can insert predefined replies to the tickets.
Agents can add their signature to tickets using one-click.
Agents can forward whole conversation to anyone using its E-Mail ID.
To contribute to SupportFlow visit [github] (http://github.com/SupportFlow/supportflow/).

All texts and images on this product page are protected by copyright and are the property of the author Daniel Bachhuber, Varun Agrawal, Alex Mills, Andrew Spittle. You will be redirected to the retailer to download the plugin. We act solely as a search engine for plugins and are not affiliated with the retailer or Daniel Bachhuber, Varun Agrawal, Alex Mills, Andrew Spittle.


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