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The WooCommerce Customers Manager expands your WooCommerce installation allowing you to easily retrieve all customer stats, personal data, import, export, guest conversion, etc… and many more features!
user: demo
pass: demo
To receive automatic updates just install and configure the Envato updater plugin: The official guide that explains how to configure it can be found at the following link: .
You can easily discover all personal data info like address, email, registration time, total amount spent, number of orders, etc
for every customer registered in your store.
Every customer is fully editable. You can also delete or add new ones.
Easily discover customer last activity with “last order date” column.
The customer list is also filterable by time range and can also be exported in CSV format.
In the Customer Detail Page, you can quickly retrieve customer personal data (like billing and shipping addresses, name, surname, phone…) and all orders (and associated products) made by users in a given time range.
In this view, you will find clean and nice visual charts that allow you easily find the most purchased product amounts spent per time range, and the amount spent per order for every single customer.
The time range can be specified by the user.
WCCM moreover can help you to easily discover the most “worthy” customers of all time or for a given time range.
WCCM can give you the right information to help you in tailoring special coupons for your customers.
NOTE: The maps controller present in the details page uses the free OpenQuest APIs, which means that it may not work after the exceed daily request quota.
With the WCCM plugin is possible to list all guest customer data too. For every customer user, you can see personal data (is used data from his last order), detailed orders list, purchased items, and other stats! just like any
other registered customer!
Shop admin can also convert a guest user to registered using the following methods:
Furthermore, all the orders associated by a guest user will be associated with the newly registered users.
Optionally, during the conversion can be sent a notification mail to the just created customer containing the
login credentials.
With this new feature, the shop admin can also create a new user directly on the order page. All he has to do is
add a new Order, fill in the customer info, save the order and then convert him to a registered one. The Order can then be completed for that new User without leaving the screen.
Do you wish to prevent a particular user to buy products from your store? You can! Just assign the special Blocked Customer user role added by the plugin to the user you wish to blacklist and they won’t be able to purchase any product from your store anymore!
To assign a user role you can just edit the customer profile or use the special role assigner tool on the customer list page!
Would you like to reassign orders? Now you can easily do that! While creating a new customer or via the customer details page, you can now select which orders have to be assigned to that customer! You can optionally choose to overwrite billing and shipping order data with the customer data (only default woocommerce billing and shipping data will be overwritten).
View, edit or delete any customer meta data! to do that, just click on the View / Edit meta data button you will find in the customer details page.
NOTE: The plugin will not export user meta data.
For every customer, you can add custom notes or send emails directly from the Customer Details Page. Shop admin can also
send bulk emails selecting customers from the customer list. The email editor has an inbuilt TinyMCE editor!
For each product in the WooCommerce products list, you can easily discover how many and which registered and guest customers bought that item (to switch between
registered and guests, use the menu tabs at the top of the page).
This feature also supports product variations. To discover who bought a specific product variation, go to the product edit page, then on the Variations tab click on the desired
variation, and under the product options checkboxes (“Enable”, “Downloadable”, “Virtual”,…) you will find the who bought icon!
Furthermore, for each order on the orders list page, the plugin also adds a link to the customer details page!
Using the new “Discover” feature, the shop admin now has a set of powerful filters by which he can discover registered and guest customers
by order stats.
For example, the Shop admin can now discover which customers have bought a specific set of products, product variants, or all the products belonging
to a category, or customers who have spent a min/max amount for total orders or for a single order… and much more options!
By default, WCCM will list all users with “customer” or “subscriber” roles, but you can easily choose to list users with custom roles too.
It’s easy, go to the Options page and under the “Roles” section select all the roles you want!
WCCM allows you to assign user roles directly on the customer list page! It’s very easy, on the role selector area select the roles you want to assign, then check the user
to whom assign roles, and then simply click the assign button!
Witch WCCM you can bulk switch all users of roles to another one! Useful to
convert an already existing WordPress user database (with subscriber role) to a WooCommerce customer role.
Compatible with WPML: customer purchase stats will be properly computed taking into consideration translated products. Purchase stats will be also taken into consideration for the WooCommerce Subscriptions and Tickets for WooCommerce/WooCommerce Tickets special product types.
You can easily import customers list from a .csv file. Large file (more than 5000 rows) are supported.
Furthermore, is also possible to send notification emails with customer login info (usefull when system is
generating random passwords if none is setted in the csv file).
TEMPLATE EXAMPLE: To import data the following csv template file: Example
NOTE: input file MUST use ”,” as field separator.
Generated file can be easily imported to excel by following these steps:
Export, import and manage customer list with more than 5000+ users without any problem. However, note that the computations performed by the plugin in order to elaborate customers data and stats don’t come at zero cost. So if you are using large datasets make sure to be properly equipped with the right server hardware and resources (like dedicated hosting services).
WCCM is compatible with WooCommerce Shipping Tracking and
WordPress User Extra Fields plugins.
This means that will list all order shipping infos and list and edit customer extra fields. Optionally user extra fields can be included in the .csv export file and imported.
To import extra field, columns name must have the following format: wpuef_{id}. For example: wpuef_c12. NOTE files extra field will not be imported.
Furthermore, you can optionally display Wordpres User Extra Fields content directly in the customer table, each field in its own column!
You will be able to display, edit and delete additional customer addesses added using WooCommerce Multiple Customer Addresses!
Would you like to add VAT field management? Good! then try my latest plugin WooCoomerce Eu Vat Field! The WCCM plugin has fully support
for it, once installed, you will be able to see the Vat number for each user edit it, and export it.
for variations too:
Send bulk emails it’s easy! select users, then from “bulk actions” dropdown menu select “email” action
and you will be redirected in a new page where you can enter subject and email text (HTML code is allowed).
= 30.6 - 16.09.24 = * Fixed an issue due to the map in the Customer details page was not displaying the address = 30.5 - 28.08.24 = * Several improvements = 30.4 - 27.08.24 = * Several bugfix = 30.3 - 10.08.24 = * Several bugfix = 30.2 - 10.07.24 = * Improved security = 30.1 - 03.07.24 = * Improved security = 30.0 - 28.06.24 = * Added compatibility to HPOS = 29.9 - 02.04.24 = * Improved security = 29.8 - 14.03.24 = * Improved security = 29.7 - 15.02.24 = * Improved security = 29.6 - 06.02.24 = * Fixed an issue that prevented the correct order number to be displayed in the order details page = 29.5 - 08.01.24 = * Improved security = 29.4 - 02.01.24 = * Fixed an issue due to in some cases guest orders were not properly counted = 29.3 - 25.07.23 = * Minor bugfix = 29.2 - 31.03.23 = * Minor improvements = 29.1 - 28.12.22 = * UI Restyling = 29.0 - 31.08.22 = * Minor bugfix = 28.9 - 04.05.22 = * Fixed the "Amount per order" chart on the customer details page = 28.8 - 12.04.22 = * Fixed an issue that prevented the guest list to be properly populated in some scenarios = 28.7 - 01.04.22 = * Improved Guest to Registered conversion feedback in case of server error = 28.6 - 21.03.22 = * Added the new "wccm_guest_to_registered_order_page_meta_box" filter that allow to customize the "Guest to registered" meta box display on the admin order details page * Added the new option to avoid the display of the "Guest to registered" meta box on the admin order page according to the order status = 28.5 - 17.03.22 = * Added new {user_email} and {billing_email} shortcodes in the Bulk email sender = 28.4 - 05.02.22 = * Fixed an issue due to in some conditions "Customer" column content was not beeing displayed = 28.3 - 03.02.22 = * Fixed an issue that prevented guest customers to be bulk converted = 28.2 - 26.01.22 = * Minor visual improvement = 28.1 - 11.01.22 = * Improved some javascript functions related to the guest to registered conversion process = 28.0 - 18.12.21 = * Improved the CSS of the Customer details page * Fixed an issue related to the Discover by order page = 27.9 - 17.12.21 = * Fixed an issue related to the guest to registered conversion = 27.8 - 10.12.21 = * Improved importing process = 27.7 - 08.12.21 = * Improved importing process = 27.6 - 11.10.21 = * Minor update = 27.5 - 16.09.21 = * User register date can be now imported when importing an user = 27.4 - 28.07.21 = * Fixed an issue that prevented customer import to properly work = 27.3 - 01.07.21 = * Minor improvements = 27.2 - 27.06.21 = * Typo = 27.1 - 30.05.21 = * Typo = 27.0 - 29.05.21 = * Code redesign = 26.9 - 18.05.21 = * Fixed an issue due to Guest list in some scenarios was not properly computed = 26.8 - 06.05.21 = * Added new option to set the default value for the "Send an email with login info" option = 26.7 - 31.03.21 = * Security improvements = 26.6 - 17.03.21 = * Security improvements = 26.5 - 24.02.21 = * Improved security = 26.4 - 03.02.21 = * Added the 'wccm_order_details_page_after_customer_details' fiered in the admin order details page, while rendering the customer details area = 26.3 - 29.01.21 = * Fixed an issue that prevents the "Discover by orders" to properly work = 26.2 - 13.01.21 = * Fixed an issue with WooCommerce 4.9 = 26.1 - 14.12.20 = * Fixed an issue related to the discover by order area = 26.0 - 13.10.20 = * Fixed an issue due to select menus on the discovery page was not properly working in some scenarios = 25.9 - 29.09.20 = * Improved generated password length = 25.8 - 09.09.20 = * Fixed an issue due to download permission was not properly set when converting a user from guest to registered = 25.7 - 26.08.20 = * Minor bugfix = 25.6 - 24.08.20 = * The email templates configurator is now accessible only by the shop admin = 25.5 - 14.08.20 = * Fixed an issue related to WordPress 5.5 and jQuery = 25.4 - 12.05.20 = * Improved discover per order page = 25.3 - 09.05.20 = * Improved discover per order page = 25.2 - 14.04.20 = * Improved the "total spent" column: the value is now formatted according to the WooCommerce settings (thousand and decimal separator) = 25.1 - 29.03.20 = * Fixed an issue due to in the Order page in some cases the total order number was not properly displayed = 25.0 - 29.03.20 = * Internal library update = 24.9 - 08.03.20 = * Added option to hide the role selector box and the role displayer box in the Customer list page = 24.8 - 13.02.20 = * Minor bugfix = 24.7 - 28.01.20 = * Fixed an issue related to the import process = 24.6 - 02.12.19 = * Improved error reporting during the import process = 24.5 - 30.11.19 = * Minor bugfix = 24.4 - 26.11.19 = * Improved compatibility with the WooCommerce Eu Vat & B2B plugin = 24.3 - 25.11.19 = * Improved compatibility with the WooCommerce Eu Vat & B2B plugin = 24.2 - 26.09.19 = * Added new option to automatically fill billing first, last and email using main first, last, and email while adding a new user = 24.1 - 23.09.19 = * Is not possible to import custom metakey while importing users = 24.0 - 23.09.19 = * Minor display issue on user details page = 23.9 - 18.09.19 = * Added option to automatically generate username when adding a new user * Added option to automatically generate a password when adding a new user * Minor UI improvement on the Add new user page = 23.8 - 17.09.19 = * Updated french language file = 23.7 - 13.09.19 = * Added french translation (thanks to cathyferrandon) = 23.6 - 08.09.19 = * Added option to random generate password when adding new user = 23.5 - 04.08.19 = * Added option to use shipping location for map localization in the Customer details page = 23.4 - 15.07.19 = * Internal libraries update = 23.3 - 09.07.19 = * Internal libraries update = 23.2 - 21.06.19 = * Internal libraries update = 23.1 - 15.04.19 = * Fixed a javascript issue related to the guest list page generation = 23.0 - 15.04.19 = * On the user details page, in case of refunded orders, is now reported an additional "total spent" voice that includes refunded orders = 22.9 - 14.03.19 = * Added new details area in order details page in which are reported number of orders and link to user details = 22.8 - 14.03.19 = * Some internal libraries have been updated = 22.7 - 13.02.19 = * Minor bugfix = 22.6 - 08.02.19 = * Minor CSS improvements = 22.5 - 18.01.19 = * Minor bugfix = 22.4 - 27.12.18 = * Minor bugfix = 22.3 - 09.12.18 = * Fixed an issue that may prevent the product to be saved = 22.2 - 07.12.18 = * Minor bugfix related to WP 5.0 = 22.1 - 27.11.18 = * Minor UI improvement = 22.0 - 22.11.18 = * Fixed an issue that prevents the import process to properly work = 21.9 - 08.11.18 = * Minor bugfix = 21.8 - 31.10.18 = * Fixed an issue due to the shipping costs were not displayed on the Customer details page = 21.7 - 04.10.18 = * Minor bugfix [...]
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4.77-star rating from 120 customers.
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