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LiteSpeed Cache
LiteSpeed Cache

by LiteSpeed Technologies


LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress (LSCWP) is an all-in-one site acceleration plugin, featuring an exclusive server-level cache and a collection of optimization features.

LSCWP supports WordPress Multisite and is compatible with most popular plugins, including WooCommerce, bbPress, and Yoast SEO.

LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress is compatible with ClassicPress.


General Features may be used by anyone with any web server (LiteSpeed, Apache, NGINX, etc.).

LiteSpeed Exclusive Features require one of the following: OpenLiteSpeed, commercial LiteSpeed products, LiteSpeed-powered hosting, or QUIC.cloud CDN. Why?

Plugin Features

General Features

  • Free QUIC.cloud CDN Cache
  • Object Cache (Memcached/LSMCD/Redis) Support+
  • Image Optimization (Lossless/Lossy)
  • Minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML
  • Minify inline & external CSS/JS
  • Combine CSS/JS
  • Automatically generate Critical CSS
  • Lazy-load images/iframes
  • Responsive Image Placeholders
  • Multiple CDN Support+
  • Load CSS Asynchronously
  • Defer/delay JS loading
  • Browser Cache Support+
  • Database Cleaner and Optimizer
  • PageSpeed score (including Core Web Vitals) optimization
  • OPcode Cache Support+
  • HTTP/2 Push for CSS/JS (on web servers that support it)
  • DNS Prefetch
  • Cloudflare API
  • Single Site and Multisite (Network) support
  • Import/Export settings
  • Attractive, easy-to-understand interface
  • WebP image format support
  • Heartbeat control

+ This service is not provided by the LSCache plugin, nor is it guaranteed to be installed by your service provider. However, the plugin is compatible with the service if it is in use on your site.

LiteSpeed Exclusive Features

  • Automatic page caching to greatly improve site performance
  • Automatic purge of related pages based on certain events
  • Private cache for logged-in users
  • Caching of WordPress REST API calls
  • Separate caching of desktop and mobile views
  • Ability to schedule purge for specified URLs
  • WooCommerce and bbPress support
  • WordPress CLI commands
  • API system for easy cache integration
  • Exclude from cache by URI, Category, Tag, Cookie, User Agent
  • Smart preload crawler with support for SEO-friendly sitemap
  • Multiple crawlers for cache varies
  • HTTP/2 support
  • HTTP/3 & QUIC support
  • ESI (Edge Side Includes) support*
  • Widgets and Shortcodes as ESI blocks* (requires Classic Widgets plugin for WP 5.8+)

* Feature not available in OpenLiteSpeed

LSCWP Resources

Third Party Compatibility

The vast majority of plugins and themes are compatible with LSCache. Our API is available for those that are not. Use the API to customize smart purging, customize cache rules, create cache varies, and make WP nonce cacheable, among other things.


This plugin includes some suggested text that you can add to your site’s Privacy Policy via the Guide in the WordPress Privacy settings.

For your own information: LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress potentially stores a duplicate copy of every web page on display on your site. The pages are stored locally on the system where LiteSpeed server software is installed and are not transferred to or accessed by LiteSpeed employees in any way, except as necessary in providing routine technical support if you request it. All cache files are temporary, and may easily be purged before their natural expiration, if necessary, via a Purge All command. It is up to individual site administrators to come up with their own cache expiration rules.

In addition to caching, our WordPress plugin has online features provided by QUIC.cloud for Image Optimization, CSS Optimization and Low Quality Image Placeholder services. When one of those optimizations are requested, data is transmitted to a remote QUIC.cloud server, processed, and then transmitted back for use on your site. Now if using the QUIC.cloud CDN it uses LSCache technologies to access your site then host your site to others globally and also your data is not transferred to or accessed by QUIC.cloud employees in any way, except as necessary in providing maintenance or technical support. QUIC.cloud keeps copies of that data for up to 7 days and then permanently deletes them. Similarly, the WordPress plugin has a Reporting feature whereby a site owner can transmit an environment report to LiteSpeed so that we may better provide technical support. None of these features collects any visitor data. Only server and site data are involved.

Please see the QUIC.cloud Privacy Policy for our complete Privacy/GDPR statement.

All texts and images on this product page are protected by copyright and are the property of the author LiteSpeed Technologies. You will be redirected to the retailer to download the plugin. We act solely as a search engine for plugins and are not affiliated with the retailer or LiteSpeed Technologies.


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